
Bouldering, illustration, reading, cinematography, photography, film, theatre, and writing.


Lir Academy Training
  • Professional Diploma in Stage Management and Technical Theatre - 2018
    • Production
    • Role
    • Director
    • The Caucasian Chalk Circle
    • DSM
    • Tom Creed
Other Experience

LX technician and Operator, What Good is Looking Well When You’re Rotten on the Inside?¸The New Theatre, Fringe Festival, 2017
LX technician and Lighting Designer, The Genealogy Project, Peacock Theatre. 2017
Assistant Lighting Designer, Rossum’s Universal Robots, Youth Theatre Ireland, Peacock Theatre. 2017
LX Operator, A Statue for Bill Clinton. O’Reilly Theatre. 2017
LX and Stage Technician, Galway International Arts Festival. Fly Op/SM for Driftwood. LX rigger for Tristan and Yseult, Dublin by Lamplight, and Absolut Big Top 2017
LX technician, Ballet Ireland, Giselle. Project Arts Centre and Civic Theatre. 2017
Production Assistant, Productions include Shawshank Redemption, Grease, Prometheus, and Searching for Sugarman. Secret Cinema, London. 2011 - 2013


LX rigging and focusing. Programming and operating ETC Eos Family and Strand Lighting desks.
Prop making, stage and production management. Basic First Aid training.
Proficient at inDesign, Audacity, Vectorworks, AutoCAD and QLab. Camera Operator and photographer.
Soldering, welding and set construction.
Score reading and Grade 6 Pianoforte. Speaks Cantonese and Mandarin.

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