
SJ loves to build and create, whether it’s practical lighting, props or set. She also enjoys writing for the stage and adores Musical Theatre


Lir Academy Training
  • Bachelor in Stage Management and Technical Theatre - 2019
    • Production
    • Role
    • Director
    • The Clean House
    • Chief LX
    • Sean Walsh
    • The Wild Duck
    • Assistant Production Manager
    • Annabelle Comyn
    • Bronte
    • Assistant Production Manager
    • David Horan
    • Dubliners
    • LX Programmer / Operator
    • Annie Ryan
    • The Last Five Years
    • CSM
    • Cyle Conley
    • The Ash Fire
    • Set Construction HOD
    • Maisie Lee
    • Dalliance
    • Chef LX / LX Programmer and Operator
    • Hilary Wood
    • The Caucasian Chalk Circle
    • Lighting and Sound Crew
    • Tom Creed
Other Experience

Co-Founder of Ill- Advised Theatre Company
Production Manager, Fierce Notions, Dublin Fringe Festival, 2017 (Judge’s Choice Award)
Co-Founder of Kill the Cat Productions
Stage and Lighting roles at The Abbey Theatre


LX, Production Management

Enquire about Sarah Jane Williams