MFA Profiles / Stage Design / Current Students
Jodie Doyle
Lir Academy Training
- MFA Stage Design - 2025
Other Experience
Jodie Doyle is a designer and writer from Dublin. She did her undergraduate degree in English Literature with Creative Writing at UCD. During this time, she became heavily involved in the drama society, working on over 25 productions during her four years. She primarily focused on props, costume design, hair and makeup, alongside writing and occasionally directing. During these four years, she won 2 Irish Student Drama Awards, Hair and Makeup in 2022, and Costume Design in 2023.
Since graduating, Jodie has primarily worked with Jaxbanded Theatre Company, designing two Scene and Heard shows in 2023, bringing one of them, 'Hyper', to Dublin Fringe the same year. This year, she had the chance to design her own script, 'Hate Fuck' as it was staged in the New Theatre, directed by Ois O'Donoghue. She was a part of the team that brought 'Hyper' to the Edinburgh Fringe this year, as the production designer and stage manager. She's interested in design and theatre that is collaborative, contemporary, women-led, and emphasises queer voices.