Stage Management & Technical Theatre Profiles / Current Students
Joan Bernzen
Lir Academy Training
- Stage Management & Technical Theatre - 2025
- Production
- Role
- Director
- The Winter’s Tale
- Construction Crew
- Conall Morrison
- Bulrusher / Scenic Crew
- Scenic Crew
- Claire O'Reilly
- 4.48 Psychosis
- Costume Crew
- Sara Joyce
- The Plough and the Stars
- Stage Manager
- Conall Morrison
- Untitled
- Tech Crew and AV Op
- Wayne Jordan
- Hungry
- Tech Crew
- Sorcha Harris
- The Sugar Wife
- Tech Crew and Sound Op
- Dolores Rice
- The Visit
- Costume Crew and Dresser
- Oonagh Murphy
- Much Ado about Nothing
- Stage Manager
- Hilary Wood
- The Illusion
- Sound HOD
- Ronan Phelan
- 6 Separate Short Films
- Script Supervisor
- Vinny Murphy
- 3 Separate Short Films
- 1st AD
- Vinny Murphy
- Lir film students end of year project / Script Supervisor / Kim Bartley
- Script Supervisor
- Kim Bartley
- My Sister in this House
- Costume Supervisor and Dresser
- Joy Nesbitt
- Bent
- Deputy Stage Manager
- Conor Mickiewicz
- The Government Inspector
- Costume Supervisor
- Tom Creed
Other Experience
Voluntary Social Year at Theater Lübeck as LX Crew
Also at Theater Lübeck:
Turn of the Screw / ASM / Stephen Lawless
Das Dschungelbuch / ASM / Pier Francesco Maestrini
Neil Young Journeys through Past and Future / ASM / Pit Holzwarth
Das Los / ASM / Catrin Mosler
Bunbury / ASM / Cilli Drexel
LAMDA: Acting Grade 3: Distinction
Stage Management, Noting of Blocking, Calling Ques, Score Reading, Handling of Props
Hand and Machine Sewing, Costume Maintenance, Breaking down, Embroidery, Dressing
Lighting, Sound, Rigging, Focusing, Level 2 Dante Certified
Working with Power Tools, Basic Scenic Skills, Signwriting
Microsoft Office, QLab, Basic AutoCAD, Basic Photoshop, Basic DaVinci Resolve
StagePass Certified and trained in: Emergency First Aid, Fire Safety, Electrical Safety, Working at Height, Manual Handling
Organization, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication and Problem Solving