MFA Profiles / Playwriting / Alumni 2021
CN Smith
Lir Academy Training
- MFA Playwriting - 2021
Other Experience
CN Smith is a graduate of Drama & Theatre Studies at Trinity College Dublin, where he directed Van Gogh’s Sunflowers (Samuel Beckett Theatre, 2019), and Eden (ISDA ‘Best Production’ Nominee, 2019). Work-in-progress performances of his short plays Temporary and At the Very Beginning were also shown there in 2018.
As a playwright, his work includes co-writing Where Are You From? (Scene + Heard, 2019), the radio play Ode to a Postcode (Dublin Fringe, 2019), Floozie (Scene + Heard, 2020), abagofspiders! (Samuel Beckett Theatre, 2020), and At the Very Beginning (Civic Theatre, 2020/21). He was an inaugural member of the Abbey Theatre’s Young Curators programme in 2018/2019, and is a recipient of the Patricia Leggett Playwriting Scholarship for 2020.