
    • Production
    • Role
    • Director
    • Homos, or Everyone in America
    • Director
Other Experience

Chris is a director, writer, and performer from Co. Wicklow. He received his BA in Theatre and Performance from the National University of Ireland, Galway, in 2015.

Directing credits while at university include Macbeth (2013), and his own adaptations of 1984 (2014) and Frankenstein (2015, ThereisBear! Theatre, Galway Theatre Festival).

Since 2015, Chris has worked as a writer, actor and musician for children’s theatre companies across Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. He has written The Unknown Irish (2016), PastPort (2017) and the upcoming SQ-ware (2019) for Wilde Shamrock Touring Theatre. He has led hundreds of theatre-in-education workshops with young people of all ages.

In 2014, he interned in The Abbey Theatre’s Literary Department, and completed a Princeton University seminar with Profs. Jill Dolan and Stacy E. Wolf. In 2016, he acted as administrative assistant with the British American Drama Academy in Oxford, attending workshops by Fiona Shaw, Brian Cox, Simon Callow, Ian Wooldridge and other theatre practitioners in Britain and America.

Chris’s main interest is in the development of new writing. He has led dramaturgy workshops on new scripts in Galway and Glasgow, and in 2014 acted as dramaturg for an original work, No Show, as part of Druid Theatre’s FUEL Programme. He continues to work on the development of new writing as he earns his MFA at the Lir Academy.

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