MFA Profiles / Playwriting / Alumni 2019
Aoife Leonard
Lir Academy Training
- MFA Playwriting - 2017
Other Experience
Aoife Leonard began working in theatre aged 17, performing with the improvisational theatre troupe Playback As Soon As You Hear and interning as an assistant producer with THEATREclub and Spilt Gin.
She was subsequently offered an unconditional place on the Drama and Theatre Studies course at Trinity College Dublin, where she became an active member of DU Players. She continued to work outside college, writing and performing regularly with the PETTYCASH Collective. Her spoken-word play “MADE-UP” (dir. Emer Heatley) has been performed in Dublin and Belfast, and is set to tour to the Edinburgh Fringe this August.
She has applied her experience in improvisation and playwriting to a number of devising contexts, developing shows for the Dublin Fringe with Filibusters and Just The Lads. She has a close collaborative relationship with Collapsing Horse Theatre Company and has worked with them on “The Aeneid”.
She graduated this year with a First Class Honours from Trinity College.