Lir Staff, Students and Grads Join Different Community Initiatives

In these times of crisis, Lir Academy staff, students and graduates are doing their share to contribute to their communities. Read about the community work they're involved in and how you can support them.

MFA Stage Design graduate and in-house technician Bill Woodland is printing visor holders for healthcare staff, using CraftUnique 3D printing technology. Of this experience, Bill says: "It has been wonderful to be a part of this community project. I have been able to apply the skills and resources available through my theatre work and background in a way that helps those working on the front lines of the pandemic and it has been an extremely rewarding process!". You can read more about Bill's story here.

Lir Academy tutor Sinead Lawlor has a gathered a team of costume makers who are sewing scrubs for health care professionals. She organised a fundraiser to help with the costs of the materials and you can support her cause by donating here.

Bachelor in Stage Management and Technical Theatre graduate Sarah Jane Williams is working on the frontline as a cleaner in a nursing home. When the lockdown measures came into place and SJ lost all her theatre work, she took a proactive approach and joined the lines of workers who are needed the most in this crisis situation. You can find the lovely encouraging piece she wrote us, detailing her experience here.

Nicole Darragh
, final year stage management and technical theatre student, is working at a local shop in Kilrea, Derry that is doing deliveries for anyone not wanting to leave their home. Similarly, student Gavin Mooney from the same year is doing grocery and medical deliveries for two neighbours who are cocooning and is in the process of undergoing some HSE online courses in order to be able to help at a local company.

Lir Academy student Fiona Cradock is running/walking 100km during the month of May to raise funds for the Galway Hospice. She has already raised a considerable amount and is hoping to raise as much money as possible by the end of the month to help those who are vulnerable in hospice care. You can support her cause here.

Fiona is not the only one involved in a charity run/ walk! Graduate Emma Russell is involved in a similar initiative, but for the Mater Foundation. She has also been supporting her local healthcare workers by baking weekly for the Loughlinstown ambulance station. You can find more details on her charity initiative here.