Short Courses / Acting

Intermediate Acting: Summer School

  1 week / Mon-Fri / 10-5pm

This course is a follow on from the Introduction to Acting course. Candidates are approved by The Lir Academy's tutors.

Course Fees


Course Information

Course Begins: Mon 21 Jul 2025
Type: Week long
Duration: 1 week, Mon-Fri, 10-5pm
When: Summer
Ages: 18+


Please visit the FAQs here. If you don't see your answer there, you can contact us via the enquiries button.


This week-long course, a continuation from the Introduction to Acting course, will concentrate on working with a director on the study of characters and individual scenes from a number of contemporary plays. If you have not completed the introductory course but have acting experience, please do get in touch so we can assess that for a place on the course.

Participants will call upon their learnings from the Introduction to Acting course to fully explore and develop character behaviours and traits and by the end of the course each person will possess the skills to better express and portray themselves in the characters within the chosen play.

Students will work closely as a team not only with each other but with the Director, Movement Coach, and Voice Coach.

Character analysis, character development and scene study will form the basis of this course, during which time participants will have the opportunity to really get to know the characters and discover how to portray them truthfully.

Note: Our short courses are non refundable and there is no cooling off period.

Please note that applicants who have completed the Introduction to Acting Course simply need to state that they have completed this course in the application form. Once the application is submitted they will be automatically given a place on the course.

Read about The Lir Academy Tutors here.

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“Valuable explanation of scene and character development. Examination of choices and awareness of these made the process very interesting.”


Enquire about Intermediate Acting: Summer School